Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hailey's Blessing Day

We blessed Hailey at my parents house today. It was so nice to get all of our family together to support Hailey on her special day. Josh gave such a good blessing! It was so neat. However, Hailey has been really sick.. We feel so bad for her! I was worried she would have a hard time, but she was pretty good! She is such a sweetie, we just love her to pieces!

So sweet! Josh with Hailey right after her blessing.

Josh's side of the family

Aunt Cari with Hailey

Grandpa and Grandma Crosby with Hailey

Grandma Heaton with Hailey

Little blury, but so cute! This is Cari's twins, Presley and Hadley with Hailey.

Moving to Philadelphia

It's finally here! Josh and I have been planning to move since January. We are moving to Philadelphia so Josh can do summer sales. We are going out with some friends, so we won't be too lonely! We hope it will be a good experience for our little family. I fly out on Wednesday with Hailey, and then Josh will start the 30 hour drive on Wednesday night.. I'm a little nervous about going out alone and about Josh making the drive alone.. We just can't wait to be out there and have the moving part over with. Well we will miss our friends and family SO much! We will see you all in August!

The company we are going out with


Where we will be living

Our Apartments

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last Home Game

We went to the last Jazz home game last night with my family. It was so much fun! The Jazz killed them so we were happy they won! Hailey came along this time, and she loved it! Haha she loves being around people. It was good to spend time with the family and we always love going to Jazz games!

True Jazz Fans!

Phil, Cari, and Hailey

Grandpa, Grandma, and Hailey

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had such a fun Easter weekend! On Saturday we went to Josh's parents house and went to dinner. I was sad I didn't get any pictures.. On Easter Sunday we went to church and then went to my parents for an easter egg hung and BBQ. The kids had a blast! The food was so yummy! It was so fun to see our families. We are trying to spend as much time with them as we can before we move to Philadelphia in a couple of weeks.

Hailey with her Easter basket

The girls on their easter egg hunt

My dad showin me how to BBQ

Grandma and Hailey

Hot Mama's!!

Cari's Family

My lovely parents!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jazz Game A.K.A Best Night Ever! And A New Car!

On Friday Kim and James invited us to go to the Jazz Game with them. We had SO much fun! Kim and I got free Jazz T-Shirts and we were all on the jumbo tron! It would have been a lot better if we hadn't lost by one... But at least it was a good game!

Kim and I showin off our sweet shirts!

We traded in the Lexus for a Toyota Matrix. It was so hard to fit Hailey in the back seat of our old car and we needed something a little bigger to get all of our stuff out to PA. We got a pretty good deal, so we are happy about it!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hailey Lovin Life!

We were getting Hailey ready for bed tonight and she was being so cute! I decided to pull out the camera, and she started to show off by giggling. Haha I sound like a weirdo, but hey whatever it takes right! Towards the end she starts to giggle a lot more and actually takes her hands out of her mouth.. She is so much fun, we looooove her!!

Here are a few other pics of her this week...

Yes she does get sad! We hate to see her frown.. She wil do this face a couple of times in a row but won't cry. It makes me so sad!

The BEST present we've ever had!

Our little princess